
Sunday mornings at St. Paul are a time that our community gathers to enjoy fellowship, worship, hear God's Word, and to break bread together in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

We would love to meet you if you are thinking about checking us out on a Sunday morning! We have greeters who will greet you with a smile, help you get where you want to go and be able to answer any questions you might have.

Each week, our worship services include music, the reading of God's Word, a time of teaching, and the celebration of Holy Communion.

We have two different styles of worship

Contemporary (9 AM)

At our contemporary service, the worship order follows a Lutheran worship pattern incorporating well-known hymns and praise music. The preschool through 5th-grade children begin with our Journeying with Jesus program. They return to the sanctuary just in time to experience God's love at Holy Communion. Hearing the Gospel read and proclaimed and celebrating Holy Communion weekly are integral to our daily lives.  The St. Paul Praise Team use keyboards, guitars, and percussion as the primary forms of music.

Join us in-person or livestream the service on YouTube and Facebook.

9 AM Bulletin

Traditional (10:30 AM)


The liturgy is the framework of our traditional worship. The reading of scripture and the proclamation of the Gospel connect to our daily lives. We celebrate Holy Communion at each service. Hymns and the pipe organ are the primary forms of music, along with our Adult Choir and The Bells of St. Paul, our bell choir. 

Join us in-person or livestream the service on YouTube and Facebook.

10:30 AM Bulletin

Frequently Asked Questions

What is worship like?

Our 60-minute(ish) worship service involves music, scripture, and a relevant message. We experience God's love at each service.

When does worship start?

Sundays at 9 AM and 10:30 AM

What about my kids?

We love having children in worship. God put a wiggle in them! Their voices are the best. At 9 AM, children from preschool through 5th grade begin with our Journeying with Jesus program. They return to the sanctuary just in time to experience God's love at Holy Communion.

What should I wear?

Come in whatever clothing makes you most comfortable. At St. Paul, you will find blue jeans and casual attire to business suits. Come as you are!


A non-staffed nursery is available every Sunday morning during worship and is equipped for infants through preschoolers. Feel free to use this space if you and your child(ren) need some "free" space away from worship.

To read our Child Protection Policy, click here.

Children's Church

We invite our preschool through 5th graders to begin their day participating in Journeying with Jesus. Here, your children will learn age-appropriate lessons based on the same scripture used during worship. Your children will be brought to the sanctuary to participate with your family in Holy Communion.

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